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Присоединился: 30 мая 2011
Оффлайн Последний вход: янв 29 2013 22:53

Мои сообщения

В теме:Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare

01 мая 2012 - 17:06

Was away yesterday, cinema and party. But I will try to be watching as often as I can. And if somebody sees me online in Xfire just try to write to me if I'm not ingame. I might just be doing something elese behind PC and the wil get in a see whats going on. Xfire nick is : vapperhiir (if somebody ads me then write who and why adding, I don't add totally strange people to my list).

В теме:Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare

29 апреля 2012 - 23:07


Seems like a RESTART to server is in order again. Server shows everybodys PING as 999 again.
So please restart the server some night.

В теме:Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare

18 марта 2012 - 15:39


Any reasons that server of COD4 os offline from yesterdays late night? (15:39)

Well, it seems to back online :) (16:05)

В теме:Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare

19 февраля 2012 - 21:36

Well atleast 5 minutes ago there was quite bad lagg. Yesterday it was OK.

В теме:Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare

14 февраля 2012 - 19:37

A esli ogranitsit PING?
Max PING tsem mozna zaiti postavit na 80 ili 100 ... ne pomozet?